Law abiding citizen

Year of release : 2009


Run time : 1h49min


Genre : Action / Thriller


Cast : Gerard Butler, Jamie Foxx, Regina Hall, Viola Davis



Clyde Shelton is a man who loves his family. One night,he experiences a home invasion,which leaves him without that family he loves so much.


His lawyer,afraid he might lose the case,makes a deal with the lawyer of the perpetrators,one of them being the one who r@ped and k!lled his wife and daughter. The irony is,the criminal lies he was the innocent one,and the other one did those atrocious things to the family.

The perpetrator who was there only to rob them gets 10 years in jail and the lethal injection,while the r@pist and criminal,gets to walk free,after 5 years!


10 years later,the two perpetrators die in gruesome ways. The police suspect the husband.

The husband has a series of demands he wants met before he confesses.


All this starts a cat and mouse game between the police and the husband.


I have to say ,I was on the husband's side,as the law seemed weak. It also bothered me they didn't give their best to keep the perpetrators in jail,like they didn't care enough,but they were up in arms and outraged ,when this guy took justice into his own hands. It just made them unlikeable to me.

I actually wanted the husband to get away with it.


The acting was good,the only one I felt didn't give 100% being one of my favorites,Gerard Butler.


If I recall correctly,I think Jamie Foxx was supposed to play the husband and Gerard Butler the lawyer,but Butler wanted to play the villain.


Rating : Worth a watch !