
Language : French


Year of release : 1994


Run time : 1h43min


Genre : Drama


Cast : Emmanuelle Beart



The movie,which's title means Hell,but titled Torment in English speaking countries, starts with Paul who bought the beach hotel he's been working at for years. He then marries Nelly,and have a son together. As years pass, he starts noticing how his wife spends a lot, doesn't do things she says she would, and lies about it. She seems to be spending a lot of time in town, and one day he follows her.


She tells him her mother is sick so she has to visit her. To his surprise, once he gets there, he finds out her mother is out giving piano lessons. He also noticed how his wife passed by the auto repair shop of the man he suspects her of having an affair with.

Another day he follows her and sees her going to the beach with the said man ,and disappearing on an island for half an hour after a boat ride.


At first Nelly is unlikeable, as she really seems to be unfaithful, but, as things progress, Paul becomes more and more unlikeable, as he suspects anyone she talks to of having an affair with her.


She asked the man he suspected her of having an affair with to never come to their hotel, and promises to never leave the hotel again,or go into town. But that's not enough for Paul. He has a fit at a screening night,as one of his hotel guests plays his video footage of the hotel guests,and sees his wife with the same man on the beach.


After, he follows her around the hotel, keeping track of when and why she gets up at night, locking up the room, and giving her too many sleeping pills at once,to make sure she doesn't leave the room.


The man becomes seriously unhinged, and he really goes insane with jealousy. He treats his wife like a child, telling her what to do and what not to do, he starts beating her and even rape her.


The acting was really good, I really enjoyed the movie, I found myself wanting to see where this went, and to be honest, I wanted Nelly to escape her marriage because it looked like he was gonna kill her eventually. Also, how can anyone live like that, being constantly watched ,constantly berated for their whereabouts and for talking to any man?


Rating : Worth a watch !