Living with yourself

Year of release : 2019


Run time : 21-35min, 8 episodes


Genre : Comedy / Drama series


Cast : Paul Rudd



Season 1



Paul Rudd plays a man who seems bored with his life,who doesn't have ideas for pitches at work,and who fails as a husband.


A colleague,who is the best at his job,recommends a spa.


Miles goes to the spa and wakes up in a shallow grave. The two people at the spa never told him the spa is anything else.


The episodes are told,each,from the point of view of each Miles,like ,one episode from the point of view of the old Miles,the next from the perspective of the new Miles.


The new Miles looks better and is better at everything. He is happy and doesn't need the glasses . Which tells me the scientist upgraded the clone, because a clone of yourself would be as good / bad as you,yet in these series,it brought out the person's best features.


Miles becomes unlikeable because he doesn't want to do anything anymore,he sends the clone in his place like a slave to work for him. Clone Miles is good at everything and nice to people .

Miles can't even steal the clone's idea on the project,as he can't talk about it !

Miles wasted his days watching p0rn,looking dirty and bored / sad.

Clone Miles looks amazing ,always wearing these suits with shirts matching his skin and eyes.


Clone Miles also loves his wife and is trying to woo her. She likes him until they try to have s3x and is a failed session. She honestly dumps him because he couldn't perform !


The series ,of about 21-27 minutes episodes ,are funny, although towards the end of the season we get the vulgar humour I never tasted ( like we say in Romanian "n-am gustat niciodata umorul vulgar") ,the kind present in Paul Rudd's movies since " I love you man" and "Knocked up".


I actually like Paul Rudd since Clueless,when I was a kid,but his recent movies kinda disappoint me.


The actors are good.


The series are a Netflix original and stream exclusively on the platform.


Rating : Could have been a contender !