Logan's run

Year of release : 1976


Run time : 1h59min


Genre : Sci fi / Action



In the year 2274 people live under a dome city. They are allowed to live until they reach 30 years of age, after which they are k!lled in a ceremony called renewal, which they celebrate and cheer for, not knowing they actually cheer to k!ll people.


There are law enforcement officers who keep the order and 'terminate' the people who ran from the k!lling ceremony .

The cops thought terminating people didn't mean k!lling them, but helping them ascend to a new reincarnation.


As more than a thousand people ran away from termination, or renewal ceremony, Logan, one of the best cops of this dystopian society, is assigned to pretend to be a runner, in order to find their sanctuary so they could destroy it.


The people wear certain colors in order to let others know what group of people they belong to, or how much they have left to live - red was the costume of those who had a few years left until they reached 30. There was green and yellow too.


This society didn't know terminate meant k!ll, and yet then they admitted it meant k!ll, later on.

They didn't know what cats were, they thought that people of the past, having animals and eating them were savages.

I wonder what they ate, since they never showed us,considering they thought food was savage.

Also, they seemed to have lived a pretty hedonistic, meaningless life .

They didn't know what beloved wife or husband was.

They didn't have parents, they were born in incubators, not carried by mothers in their belly.


Awful soundtrack, awful acting, the old man was the only one who acted well.

The fight scenes looked really bad, as if they were dancing or something. Their aim when they were supposed to shoot something was awful. Their running was bad, as if they never ran a day in their life.


Rating : The horror, The HORROR !