London Fields

Year of release : 2018


Run time : 1h48min


Genre : Mystery / Thriller


Cast : Amber Heard, Billy Bob Thornton, Johnny Depp, Theo James, Jaimie Alexander



The movie is based on the book by Martin Amis published in 1989.


A book writer swaps apartment in Hell's Kitchen with a British author from London.


Out at a bar,he sees two men,one redneck and one classy guy,hitting on a femme fatale,who looks like she just came from a funeral. She looks just like the mask on the bed of the author in who's house our lead lives.

He decides to write a story based on this . Following her,just like the other two guys,he finds out she lives in his building.


Trying to write,but lacking inspiration, he hears noises coming from the only room in the house which doesn't look posh,due to renovations.

Through the cracks of the wooden ceiling he sees the woman throwing books on the floor.


He follows her the next day ,as she throws a lot of what seem to be notebooks, in the garbage can, in the park.

Turns out it was her diaries. She writes about having had premonitions her whole life ,seeing people's death,including the one of her parents and friends. She even saw her own death,on her own 30th birthday.


The writer goes to her place and asks her to let him write her story. She agrees.


She is desired by the redneck,who,when at her place,when pressed,admits he's married and has a kid. She asks for the classy guy's number,as apparently they know each other. That guy has been married too,for 9 years,and has a child whose not all there.


For someone who might die but doesn't know the k!ller,Nicola Six,is very unafraid. She opens the door half naked to strange men,even takes her clothes off in front of them and takes a bath!

She has money ,wears best clothes,and yet lives in a wrecked apartment!

Also,she never looks scared,quite the contrary, looks like a woman who knows how to play men like puppets. She plays the femme fatale for the redneck, the innocent girl for the classy guy who she's trying to con,the good girl for the American author and the S&M submissive for the British author.


The leading lady whom we're supposed to care for,is an awful,despicable person,who deserves all she gets.


I hated the movie,it's a ridiculous plot about nothing. The woman is a femme fatale who is playing men,no wonder she ends up dead! She scams the classy guy,lying to him about a friend who doesn't exist ,and gives the 60.000 ( I think) he gave her,to the redneck,who owes money to Johnny Depp.

In the end the men find out about each other,and instead of turning their hatred towards her,they fight each other!


The movie is available on Amazon Prime Video , Apple iTunes, Google Play Movies & Tv, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : The horror, The HORROR!