Love,lost and found

Year of release : 2021


Run time :1h28min


Genre : Romance


Starring : Trevor Donovan, Danielle C. Ryan



Buff,an avid blogger plans to propose to his girlfriend,Claire,that he’s been dating for a year, taking her on a hiking trip.

The woman,the CEO of her company,seems very busy as the entire trip to the mountains she’s on the phone while he keeps on filming.They both seem unlikeable ,as they both seem to be together ,alone .As in,they are together but completely ignore each other,especially her,him.


He plans to propose at sunset but she wants to leave as she’s very busy.Did I mention she’s the CEO of her company?


He wants his picture taken against the beautiful scenery but she can never get it quite right.In an attempt to get it right she falls off the cliff into the river.

He falls too trying to get a signal to call rescuers .He is helped by Natalie,a force service woman ,who gets the hots for him from the moment she sees him.




What I don’t get is ,how does someone who goes from being in love with his girlfriend so much,to the point he described her to the rescue forces as looking like a model ,the eyes,the hair,everything, to the 

force lady, to falling in love with Natalie and not wanting to propose?What kind of feelings were those?Fleeting,I’m assuming.


Also,Claire goes in 3 days from wanting to live in the city,and be the big,very busy CEO of the company,to wanting to live at the farm with her ex fiance which she dumped in the middle of the night without a word to go be the CEO .Seriously,she goes from talking to her team non stop on the phone to leaving them a video message telling them she’s gonna work remotely from now on,and they can do without her .She doesn’t even go home to take her clothes and other things she might need,like a computer,to work remotely.


This is the third movie Trevor Donovan and Danielle C. Ryan played in together,to the point I honestly thought this was a sequel of the one about her being a reality show star.


The acting is what you’d expect from such a movie ,not that great.The actors try to be funny in certain scenes but fail.

I honestly watched it because Trevor Donovan is one of my favorites.


Rating : The Horror,The Horror