Love wrecked

Year of release : 2005


Run time : 1h27min


Genre : Romance / Comedy


Cast : Amanda Bynes, Lance Bass(N'Sync)



Jenny is a teenager who is a big fan of Jason Masters,a big rock star. She goes working for the summer on his favorite resort with her best friend, Ryan,who is in love with her.


Jason visits the resort and Jenny does her best to work on the ship at the party he attends. Being sea sick, Jason falls overboard during a storm and Jenny jumps to rescue him.


They end up marooned,or so they think,as Jenny soon discovers they are on the other side of the island.

She ends up taking care of Jason as he has a sprained ankle,and she doesn't tell him they are still on the island,because she wants to make him fall in love with her.


As Ryan sees her when she goes to their designated hotel room, he ends up having to bring them food. That only happens once,as Jenny's nemesis, Alexis, sees Ryan ,and pretends to be marooned too, competing for his heart.


I liked this movie,it's funny,the acting is good..I didn't like the music though.


I also liked the moral of the story, as Jason didn't seem like a great guy, he seemed fake, he was a spoiled celebrity, who had no survival basic skills,he did nothing, Jenny did everything,built a crib,looked for food,and when rescued ,he took the credit for it. The moral being celebrities are just like the rest of us,some good some bad,they are not by default good people, they just have a good PR which makes them look perfect.


The movie is streaming on Amazon Prime Video and Tubi Tv.


Rating : Worth a watch !