Lovers lost

Language : Japanese / Korean


Year of release : 1982


Run time : 2h2min


Genre : Drama / Romance


Cast : Hiroyuki Sanada



Lovers Lost or Dotonbori River is supposed to be a love story between a 29 year old ex prostitute now the lover of a merchant,and a 19 year old. This man’s brother and father are gambling addicts,and we find out the mother killed herself because the father asked her to prostitute herself for money.


The movie also has transgenders or drag queens I’m not sure,I kept on wondering if they were real women because they looked that good.


The acting was bad,so was the felt endless,just boring. The love scene in the movie was one of the worst I’ve ever seen.

I honestly watched the movie because it was with one of my favorite actors Hiroyuki Sanada . He was great,he looked great too.


I don’t even know what this movie was about,what I know is it was awful. I watched it in two sittings,more like,I played it while I was doing chores around the house.



Rating : The Horror ,The Horror !