
Languages : English / Korean / French


Year of release : 2014


Run time : 1h30min


Genre : Action / Sci-Fi


Cast : Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman



Directed by Luc Besson, Lucy is a movie about a girl whose life changes completely,after her boyfriend of a week forces her to take a briefcase to a drug crime lord boss.


Forced to take the briefcase to this drug lord crime boss,due to the fact the amazing boyfriend handcuffed the briefcase to her hand, Lucy,instead of leaving,goes to the hotel,to see this man.

Right away ,she's introduced to his murder spree,as everyone in the hotel is afraid of him and his employees.


Things go from worse to worst,and upon discovering the drugs inside,they cut her stomach and put one of the bags of drugs inside,making her one of their drug mules.

As she's held captive,I imagine at one of their facilities,and the men there try to rape her,one of them beats her up,kicking the merchandise in the stomach,causing her wound / operation to burst,and the drugs to spill into her system. Upon coming in contact with the drug, Lucy starts shaking uncontrollably as she is moving and flowing across the room.


From the moment she wakes up,she's not the old Lucy,but a new ,enhanced one.

The drug gives her amazing abilities,from knowledge of medicine to understanding languages she never spoke,and controlling devices.


The movie is spoken mostly in English and Korean,and not as much in French.


The acting was good,so were the visual effects,the way it was directed..I remember when I first watched this,how much I loved it,the impact it had on me,but now I know more on the subject,and I didn't like it as much,because I know most of the things said in the movie aren't true.


Rating : Worth a watch !