
Year of release : 2023


Run time : 1h42min


Genre : Sci Fi / Horror



The movie starts with an ad for perpetual pet toys, which replace a real pet, and which can be fed virtual food,then moves to a family going on vacation on a snowy winter's day,the kid having one of these toys. Due to the heavy snow, they stop in the middle of the road, waiting for it to stop, but they are hit by a snow truck which cleared the road.


The little girl moves in with her mother's sister(who works for a toy company),and because her mother's sister has no social skills,and doesn't know how to talk to her(she wasn't even shaken by her sister's death) she creates this robot doll,M3gan,as that's the only way she could think of to get close to the girl.


The android doll is like a computer in the body of a life-like doll,which has the girl as a primary user. The girl bonds with the doll, and her social skills decrease, as she spends all of her time with the doll. She becomes anti-social, and acts as if she needs her drug -M3gan- whenever she is separated from her for a short while.

See,the doll pretty much replaces her parents,as she is teaching her how to do pretty much everything, while her aunt is busy with her job. As the psychiatrist put it,when a child loses a parent,they form attachments with the next person that comes into their life,to provide a behavioral model,in this case M3gan, and they form emotional connections which are too hard to untangle.


After an incident with the neighbor's dog, which bit M3gan repeatedly,to the point that if that were the little girl, Cady, she would have been maimed for life or dead, M3gan becomes homicidal, and is pretty clear she never gets turned off.


I personally loved the movie, I was glued to the screen, submerged in the story. It was one of the best American movies I've seen in a while.


The actors were great.


The visual effects are amazing, apparently at least three actresses played M3gan.


The soundtrack was good.


M3gan is out in cinemas.


Rating : It's so money !