
Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h55min


Genre : Horror



Madison is in an abusive relationship. She is pregnant, and we find out she can't carry a pregnancy to full term,as she's been pregnant a few times before but miscarried. My first thought was, after seeing her man slapping her around, that maybe she lost her babies due to him beating her up. But apparently it wasn't so...


After her man slams her with her head against the wall, cracking it open, she keeps on bleeding, but doesn't go to the hospital, just goes to sleep,locking herself in the bedroom.


At night,a strange presence enters the home and kills the man as she ends up in the hospital.


A series of murders of doctors starts happening, while she watches paralyzed with fear as if she's there, so obviously there's a connection between the two of them.

The police start suspecting her,as she sees the crimes as they take place.


The atmosphere was haunting, the house built in the gothic style, inside designed like maybe in the 80's-90's with wallpaper and so it an old vibe,making it out of time.


The soundtrack was amazing, just that at times I felt it didn't match what was on the screen.


The acting was great, Annabelle Wallis has to scream a lot in this movie,and I personally like how she acted shocked and scared in certain scenes,like when she sees her man dead,and the front door opened.


The visual effects were amazing, I loved how the room turned into another, as her visions started and she was paralyzed with fear or not. I also loved how she was followed from above as she was walking around the house,as if the house was a kid's toy house.


The villain seemed to have been walking backwards and at the end we understand why.


Spoiler -- the police finally get it right this time.


The movie gave me a Brian de Palma vibe which I love because I love his movies.


What I didn't like --


there's one scene in which the sister of the lead goes to the hospital she was kept in as a kid, and while she's driving, seeing the hospital is daylight,but when she parks there is complete darkness. There's no way she spent that much time on the road, considering the hospital was right in front of her.


The woman detective was just mean and a b!tch all the time, to me, for no reason.


Sometimes the dialogue was bad,like in the first scene after the opening credits ,the situations they were in resulting in the dialogue were ridiculous at times,in those scenes the acting not being that great either.


The characters seem empty, they have no one to care for, and we never see them at their job ( the lead is a nurse but she's never working).

The baby she carries is more of a concept, an idea ,than a real thing.


What I find odd is, a few weeks ago when I rewatched the movie I loved it,and last night when I rewatched it I didn't like it that much,so I think it's also about the mood where in when we watch something.


Rating : Worth a watch !