
Year of release : 1964


Run time : 2h20min


Genre : Thriller / Mystery


Cast : Tippi Hedren , Sean Connery



Marnie is a thief and a liar. She seeks approval or more likely, love, from a mother who seems to hate her, or just be unable to love her, while she shows the love she longs for, to a little girl she cares for when her mother is working.


On her latest job, she is caught by Mark Rutland, but instead of giving her to the police, he marries her and offers to pay all the men she robbed,all the money.


I personally don't see why people say Alfred Hitchcock is a great director. Some scenes ended too soon, while the characters were still talking, while others started while they were already in a conversation.


I didn't like the soundtrack either, the music was loud,scratching the ear, and it reminded me of the exact same music played whenever Maleficent appeared in Sleeping Beauty.


Marnie is unlikeable, she gets scared which leads to her horse being injured, her own fault, and then acts like it's definitely someone else's fault, and this is just one example.


Also,I didn't understand why would a man who could have had any woman he wanted, marry a few days after meeting her ,a woman about whom he knows is a pathological liar and a thief.


Also, I didn't like how Tippi Hedren acted, at times she was over acting which was annoying, especially when she had to scream. There were some scenes in which the scream or reaction was so sudden that I blinked and missed it, like when Sean Connery rips her nightgown off.


SPOILER -- She didn't like being touched by men because she killed one. I don't know if she was supposed to have been touched by a man, but she was definitely not molested nor raped, like I thought. I think her having that disgust towards men was more due to her mother's job and yet I still find it off. It didn't make any sense,to scream whenever a man touched her,including her husband whom she seemed to have been attracted to ( Sean Connery, who by the way, looked perfect in 1964 when men weren't buff like today) because the one whom she killed tried to calm her down when she got scared of the storm.


Marnie is for rent or buy on Amazon Video, Apple iTunes, DirecTv, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Could have been a contender !