Murder Mystery 2

Year of release : 2023


Run time : 1h31min


Genre : Comedy / Mystery


Cast : Jennifer Aniston, Adam Sandler, Mark Strong



After solving the case 4 years before,on that fateful trip to Europe,Audrey and Nick Spitz start their own private investigation agency,which is not going so well.


The Maharajah is inviting them to his very expensive and lavish wedding on his private beach,and soon enough,the man is being kidnapped.


Everybody is suspecting everybody,and somehow,again,the Spitz are seen as having reason to kidnap their friend.


They start working with the man who is given the case,an expert in the field,the same man who's book Audrey is reading to pass their license exam,while Nick refuses to read him.


The man is suspicious himself,but dies in a car fire.


Again,Audrey and Nick have to solve the case themselves,and this time their adventures take them to Paris.


The movie was funny,it had beautiful landscapes,as it takes the leads to beautiful islands and Paris. And has a Bollywood musical number on the night before the wedding.


The acting was great,I love the way Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler work together,how they complement each other,and I hope to see them working together on more projects.


The soundtrack was Ok.


The visual effects were good.


The movie is streaming on Netflix.


Rating : Worth a watch !