Necromancer 2020

Language : Thai


Year of release :  2019

( that's exactly how's found on google,with 2020 in the title and 2019 in the release date)


Run time : 1h58min


Genre : Fantasy / Action / Light Horror



While fighting, Win finds himself under a dark magic attack, so he would lose the fight. His father helps him by dealing with the necromancer. After this, people sent by someone unknown to us, is asking the father to give them his amulet for an amount of money. His father refuses. So,on their way home,their car is under attack, and his father killed, having his amulet taken from him. Win manages to escape,although badly wounded,by hiding in the underground canal.


Seeing the one who killed his father got his powers instantly, he gets protection spells on his entire body so no one could harm him, learning dark magic spells, and tries to find his father's killer.


As his research leads him to this cult his ex girlfriend is a part of, he soon realizes the ones in the cult aren't as innocent as they seem to the outsiders.

The police get involved as whoever leaves the cult dies weird deaths, but the ones in power are in the cult leader's pocket.


The lead is trying to warn and get his ex girlfriend out of the cult but she just seems brainwashed, like any conversation of theirs ends up fast with her as unphased, as if she watched something on tv.


The movie has great fighting scenes. When it comes to the visual effects, the creatures created, the big ones, aren't that perfect, as in, you can tell they are fake.


The actors were great ( especially the one playing Win's friend, his reactions to his friend's death and when he sees a gun are perfect) and good looking.




What I didn't understand was the fact the lead,from the getgo, had a satanist tattoo on his chest that we're supposed to believe as the movie runs that it's a sort of protection spell or their god which can't be good nor evil, but that was a pentagram with the head of a goat in it,exactly like the devil depictions. So,no.


The villain says at the end as he sacrificed goats under the pentagram with the goat head that he is worshiping himself for more power, god-like power. There's a scene in which he is on tv, and a girl at a diner says she doesn't like him, and he hears her from wherever he is, giving interviews,and kills her while looking at her through the screen,which I call bs.


I felt like the movie was missing the heart, as it didn't have a love story, nothing to merge the action scenes together, to give the hero a true purpose. The ex girlfriend is just there to be there,there's nothing between them anymore,they look like strangers. She is in a sort of relationship with the one we find out is the villain, and apparently is just used by the villain. When the villain kills her I felt nothing,as I didn't like her, she was just a bland character, there to be there, an unpleasant character to me, and I didn't care if she lived or died, she was in that situation due to her own choices and mistakes,and got what she deserved, just like Sansa in Game of Thrones. I can feel no compassion for this kind of creatures.


The soundtrack was good.


Rating : Worth a watch !