
Year of release : 2007


Run time : 1h32min


Genre : Sci Fi / Action


Cast : Nicolas Cage, Jessica Biel, Julianne Moore, Thomas Kretschmann



The movie is based on the Philip K.Dick's illustrated short story, The Golden Man,published in 1954.


Cris Johnson,by his stage name,Frank Cadillac, is a magician in Las Vegas,who can see things 2 minutes before they happen.


One night,after he leaves the gambling table,at a casino,to get his money,the place is robbed by a thief. Cris sees it before it happens,and stopping it, becomes the FBI and the police's target,as they think he was the one robbing the place.


FBI agent,Callie Ferris, has her own agenda,as she thinks Frank Cadillac has the sight,and wants to bring him in in order to use his powers,as they have intelligence about a nuclear bomb being stolen in order to k!ll 8 million people .


For a while now,Cris's been seeing a woman entering the diner he eats at,around 8:8 o'clock. So,every day,he goes to the diner around 8,in the morning, and in the evening,to meet her.


When he finally does,he sees all the possibilities of how to approach her and make a good impression. They talk,and she offers him a ride.

But the FBI is on his tracks,as agent Callie (that's how everybody calls her the whole movie) is hot on his tracks and she wants to use his skill to find the bomb.


The movie was Ok, the villains were generic. We don't learn much about them,why they do what they do,what they want, who they are,etc.. they just speak in French.


I remember at the time,there were many movies like this one released,of people with special powers,usually someone with the sight,hunted by someone from some agency.

The irony is,while I was watching the movie,I kept on thinking it reminded me of the Philip K.Dick's stories,like PayCheck and The Minority Report. That was before I researched the movie,and found out it was inspired by one of his books.


The actors were good.


The visual effects,at times look good,other times,not so much. For example,when he sees the future,and sees all the possibilities,it looks good. When he's car chased through the streets,at the beginning, and an explosion takes place towards the end,not so much.


I don't remember the soundtrack,but since it didn't bother me,I guess it was Ok.


Next is streaming on Hoopla, and is for rent /sale on Amazon Video, Apple Tv, DirecTv, Google Play, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !