
Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h43min


Genre : Horror / Fantasy



The movie is based on J.A.White's book of the same name.


8 year old Alex runs away from home as none of his friends came to his birthday party.

He ends up in an old fashioned designed apartment,and after eating his favorite cake, blacks out. He wakes up in the same apartment unable to ever leave it.


He soon finds out a witch lures kids into it, and forces them to tell her stories which were never told before,without a happy ending, or she'll turn them into statues.


Luckily for Alex, he writes scary stories, so for a while he keeps her satisfied, as he and his new found friend, Yasmin, try to find a way out.


Reading books from the large,impressive library, he finds the notes of a girl who managed to escape the witch, hidden in some of them, and they find a recipe to put her out for enough time to leave her spellbound apartment or realm.


The acting was fine,the visual effects were good.


The soundtrack was good, it keeps on playing versions of the song " Cry little sister" from "The lost boys" soundtrack.


The movie has a twist at the end. I just found the movie very dark for a movie aimed at kids,as it was horror.


The movie is a Netflix production and it streams exclusively on the platform.


Rating : Could have been a contender ! , because it kinda bored me.