
Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h38min


Genre : Horror / Psychological Thriller


Cast : Eva Green, Mark Strong



While at a fashion show for kids' wear, fashion designer Christine receives a call and right after she sees a dog full of ticks, which throws its ticks on her.

8 months later she suffers from serious and mysterious illnesses which stop once she is at the hospital.


One day, she opens the door to a Filipino woman who tells her they talked for her to be a live-in maid. Christine does not remember that, but she suffers from memory loss also,besides the shakes, and apnea .

She gives her the room from the upper floor of the house, right next to her office.


Christine lost her job due to her health problems,and now is trying to get work at a new company.


The maid seems off, due to the things she does, the things she puts in their food, the ashes she puts in front of her own door at night, the altar she built in her room, the tick she called and kept in her luggage..serving them breakfast in bed..

She tells Christine she is a healer, and is trying to make her trust her completely,so she can heal her, but she steals her meds,and then tells the stupid kid who didn't like her for most of the movie,but she had a  change of heart in the past 2 days, to lie to her it was the husband who stole her meds, the husband who was the only one caring for Christine.

Whatever she does to Christine, makes her trust her, as every time, she feels better.


The movie started out so well, but once it started with the memories of the maid, which weren't chronological, it started to fall apart.

I didn't like the movie. I'm sick of seeing this, with the leads being bad and deserving what some other evil character is doing to them.

I don't think Christine deserved what this woman did to her. Also, this woman was a healer in her country, a healer who now cursed a woman and inflicted pain on her because she considered her responsible for the death of her child. A healer is supposed to be above that. But considering how she got her powers, and how she passed them on to another..apparently when a healer dies they must be alone or their soul will pass into the one who is in the room with them,so she does that to Christine's daughter.

Speaking of which, I hated her daughter, who, after a week of that woman living there, and most of the time hating her, all of a sudden they were besties, and didn't want her to leave, so she turned on her own parents!

Also, how does someone's soul passes into someone else's body who already has a soul,but it's not possession?! Only healers have a soul,the rest of us are machines or zombies?Our souls are not important, we can be hacked into? Let me know!


The actors were good,especially Eva Green who's character goes through all these bad things,afflicting her mind and body.

The visual effects were good.

The soundtrack was good, haunting.



The maid worked for Christine's brand in the Philippines where she ruled with an iron fist, wanting women to work on 30 shirts per hour,and to be locked inside the workplace so they won't steal the merchandise. The maid brought her kid to work. There was a fire which was their boss' fault, not Christine's, but to the maid it was Christine's fault. This seems to me like blaming someone else for your mistakes- she shouldn't have taken her kid to work in the first place! She had a husband, but she didn't leave the kid with him!

I personally hated the maid,one of the reasons being she k!lled herself in front of Christine's daughter, which should scar her for life,but she was fine because...movies. Also, she befriended the kid and burnt her mother to death.

Not to mention there's these scenes with the maid's kid in the fire, as if she was there.. seen through the maid's or Christine's eyes, how would she know what that kid did,neither of them were there!!!


Nocebo is for rent or sale on Amazon, Google, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Could have been a contender !