
Year of release : 2019


Run time : 1h40min


Genre : Comedy / Fantasy


Cast : Anna Kendrick, Bill Hader, Shirley MacLaine



Noelle is Santa Claus' daughter. She always loved Christmas and she is always full of Christmas cheer. Her dream is to become Santa one day,although only men can be Santa,so instead ,she is creating holiday cards. She has a pet baby reindeer,Snowcone, whom she'd like to call the way they do in Disney cartoons,with their own special tune,but the baby always forgets about it.


Her father,Santa dies,and her brother has to continue his legacy,just that he is really not good at it,probably also because his heart is not in it,he wants to live in a warm place and do something else with his life.

As Noelle tries to help him,and gives him what she thinks is good advice,her bother disappears,and she is considered responsible for it.

She has to go look for him,as their cousin who took Santa's place,is wrecking havoc with his AI,labeling most children as naughty because of the most ridiculous things.


Noelle finds her brother with the help of a detective,and makes a few friends along the way,but that doesn't stop her from getting into trouble.


I personally liked the movie,what I didn't like is that it follows the same narrative most movies do lately,as they don't have a heart and soul,which makes them feel empty. Noelle doesn't have a love interest,neither does her brother,nor the detective. The only one with a love interest is a woman she helps so the woman would help her back.

Without the love to keep the movie glued together,the movie feels unfinished,and not whole.


Rating : It's so money !