Year of release : 2019


Run time : 56min-45min , 10 episodes


Genre : Supernatural Thriller


Cast : Zachary Quinto



The mini series are based on the Joe Hill 2013 novel of the same name.


The series open with Charlie Manx ,an energetic vampire who drives a Rolls Royce Wraith,who feeds off the energy of children who feel abandoned by their parents.


Starting as an old man,Manx gets younger and younger while driving the car with the kid he manages to whisk away from his parents' house, in the backseat,to ChristmasLand.


Vic is an artist,she makes beautiful drawings. She doesn't like her mother much,as she has a negative attitude,and wants her to stay with her and clean people's houses, and loves her father,whom she finds out hits her mother when drunk,which is a lot. Not to mention,he cheats on her mother,and moves in with his fling. Vic still chooses her father.


One day ,on a rage trip on her dirt bike,she crosses over this bridge,and finds a lost thing.

Talking about it to her parents,she finds out the bridge was demolished 15 years before.


Going back to the bridge,she discovers she has the ability to find lost things.


Maggie has this bag of scrabble tiles which tells her what's what,and is convinced she can find the missing kid. Her path intersects with Vic's ,as Vic is visiting her through her inscape. They talk,and decide to work together to catch Manx and release the kids. But maybe the kids are too far gone.


Vic gets Manx's attention and arises his interest ,as he thinks her untouched,and wants her as a mother for his children. The children he kidnapped and turned,of course!


NOS4A2 is the car plate of Manx's 1938 car, which is connected to him,so much so,that if the car is damaged,Manx suffers the consequences.


SPOILERS The kids are turned into vampires who eat people,and are also evil now.

Episode 8 was my least favorite,and after that,they lost me. Vic is portrayed as having a best friend who is clearly in love with her,but she is in love, or so it seems, with a rich teenager she goes out with.

In episode 8 she drinks a lot and gets high. So does Maggie,who we find out, used to be addicted to pills,and is one of the reasons her parents threw her out.


STILL SPOILER - After this bender they are both on (having one character like that is bad enough,as I hate these kind of movies ( I don't like and don't watch movies with drug addicts or alcoholics,I don't enjoy them),but 2 leads is too much for me) we find out Vic is actually with Craig,and they even did things off screen!When did that happen?I don't know,but we're supposed to think she loves him so much,when in the previous episode she was spending time, holding hands and kissing the rich kid! That is why in the next episode when Craig dies, and she talks about how much she loved him,I don't buy it,I don't feel it,because I didn't see anything on screen!


I personally didn't like the leads,and that makes it hard for me to like a movie. Vic loves and chooses her father no matter what he does and what she finds out about him,and that's messed up. Her mother doesn't seem to be good enough,although it's obvious she doesn't want her to make the same mistakes she did,and that is her way to protect her.


Vic and Maggie really lost me in episode 8 went they went off on a bender,and I didn't care about them or the show anymore.


The visual effects were good.

The soundtrack good enough,they had quite a few Christmas songs,as Manx sees himself as Father Christmas,taking kids to his inscape, ChristmasLand.


The actors were all good,no complaint there.

Zachary Quinto was the best,I loved the way he portrayed Manx,especially when he was in the old man make-up,how he changed his voice to sound like an old man's and his whole body posture.


The series have two seasons but I won't be watching the 2nd as I wasn't impressed by the 1st one.


Rating : Worth a watch !