
Year of release : 1946


Run time : 1h41min


Genre : Noir / Thriller


Cast : Ingrid Bergman, Cary Grant


Director : Alfred Hitchcock



Trying to bring Nazis to justice,agent Devlin is tasked with convincing the daughter of a German war criminal, Alicia, to spy for the American government,as they know she knows the people involved.


Devlin meets Alicia at her party,right after her father was convicted, where she gets pretty wasted ,and decides to go on a drive .Devlin joins her,and we see they like each other.


Alicia accepts,and they travel to Brazil. There,as their romance blossoms, his superiors tell him she needs to win the affection of Alexander Sebastian, a man Alicia knows, and who she'll have no problem in winning over, as he used to court her, being in love with her.


Alexander takes the bait, but is suspicious of her always talking to Devlin, and asks her to marry him to prove to him there's nothing going on between her and Devlin.


Seeing how Devlin doesn't speak his mind,and doesn't seem to care,pushing her in the arms of Sebastian,she marries Sebastian.


I liked this movie,it felt like the romances I used to read when I was growing up. The movie kept me going with the romance, the back and forth between the two, Alicia who was like an open book,and the agent who hid his feelings,although his remarks and actions gave him away,that he was in love with her too.


The acting was fine, the house they filmed in was beautiful, with this amazing interior design, with these beautiful sculpted furniture pieces.


Rating : Worth a watch !