Official Competition

Language : Spanish


Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h54min


Genre : Drama


Cast : Penelope Cruz, Antonio Banderas



On his 80th birthday,a billionaire is looking back on his life,and wonders how do people see him. So he wants to do something to be remembered by. At first he thinks about financing the building of a bridge,but then he has the amazing idea ( eye roll) of financing a great movie,like, Oscar winning. So he hires a weird, eccentric director who wants to make a movie based on a book she loves.


The book is the story of two rival brothers,one of them k!lls their parents in a car accident and the other calls the police on him.


I went into this movie expecting to laugh and have a great time, but I was bored out of my mind!

This movie is supposed to be a comedy but it didn't make me laugh once!


Instead,what happens is ,we see Penelope, as the director, annoying the actors and the audience,at least me, by asking them to repeat the lines over and over again ( eye roll) when they actually said it right the first time,but she wanted a different reaction.


She brings in an actress who is supposed to play the prostitute girlfriend of one of them,that the other brother has s3x with to get back at his brother for drunk driving and k!lling their parents. What they have to do is,kiss her for a very long time,in front of many microphones which amplify the noise,making it sound like they eat,making me nauseous. Neither of them kissed her right,so Penelope shows them,by almost having s3x with the woman in front of them. Not kidding!


After, she asked them to bring to the rehearsals all of the awards they won! WTF?! All I could think was, she's gonna destroy their awards or something!


I watched an hour until I gave up. I find it boring, it's just them rehearsing the lines over and over again. And I watched many Making Ofs and On Set,and I loved them, something else!

Maybe Penelope asking them to repeat themselves on end,was supposed to be funny,but it was just annoying.


The actors were all great,but the movie is just boring.


The movie is for rent or sale on Amazon Prime Video, Apple iTunes, Google Play Movies, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Could have been a contender ,but more The Horror!