One flew over the cuckoo's nest

Year of release : 1975


Run time : 2h13min


Genre : Psychological Drama


Cast : Jack Nicholson, Danny DeVito



The movie is adapted from the novel by Ken Kesey of the same name,published in 1962.


The leading character played by Jack Nicholson gets into the mental institution for statutory rape,after not wanting to do any work in jail. He is sent to the asylum for an evaluation. The nurses play loud music in the recreational room.

The shocker comes when he finds out most of the guys there are there voluntarily,not committed by someone. They can leave anytime they wish but choose to stay,although they complain about the conditions.


I personally didn't like the movie,I counted the hours until it was over. To me it was a dumb movie,nothing interesting ever happens. If you want to watch a good movie like this,watch Girl,interrupted(1999) with Angelina Jolie.




The nurses take the crazies on boat rides,the lead tries to escape ; he gets attached to the Native American man whom he calls Chief;

He throws a party and invites girls,wanting to escape again .

He asks Candy to have s3x with the man with a stutter. The man with the stutter is a wuss, he's still afraid of his mother,and k!lls himself because the nurse tells on him!

Jack Nicholson gets lobotomized because he almost k!lled the nurse.

Chief who waits for him because he knows he'd never leave without him, k!lls him with a pillow,and escapes .


The actors are great,especially the ones playing the crazies.


Rating : The horror,THE HORROR !