

Language : French


Year of release : 2021


Run time: 1h41 min


Genre : Sci- Fi / Mystery / Suspense



A woman wakes up in a sealed capsule without any recollection of how she got there. At first,being a medical capsule, she thinks she's sick,but then discovers it's not so.


Her memories start to unravel as she hurts herself,and realizes she has or had a husband,but the officials she talks to tell her she's all wrong.


The lead actress, Melanie Laurent, is amazing. I just loved the way she expressed the emotions of a woman trapped in a box,not knowing what might happen to her,not knowing her past,and who's a friend or foe.


The soundtrack was amazing,it merges perfectly with the scenes,with the memories, like a music video.


The idea of the movie is not new,but how they got there is,and the movie,with only one actor in it,was never boring.


Watching it it reminded me of the movie Buried with Ryan Reynolds and was thinking,that just like Ryan,she's never getting out of it.SPOILER - she does.


The movie is streaming on Netflix.


Rating : It's so money !