Panic room

Year of release : 2002


Run time : 1h53min


Genre : Thriller / Crime


Cast : Jodie Foster, Kristen Stewart, Jared Leto, Forest Whitaker


Director : David Fincher



Meg Altman and her daughter, Sarah, are looking for a new home,as Meg is divorcing her husband who left her for another woman.


They find this big house they both like, 3 floors, with an elevator,and a panic room!

They move in right away,and that very night, 3 people are checking the doors for a way in.


Apparently the son of the previous owner, convinced 2 other men to help him break into the safe,the old man told him had hidden a lot of money in,for he doesn't want to split the money with the rest of the family.


Once in, they realize the new owners are already in the house, although Junior told them they aren't gonna be in for 3 weeks.


Upstairs, Meg is unable to sleep, and keeps on walking around the bathroom and bedroom, until she sees the men on the panic room security screens. She then tries to get to her daughter, get her and lock themselves in the panic room.


Unluckily for them, what Junior wants is in the panic room, and the men do their best to get them out,or at least ,to get in.


I loved how David Fincher directed the movie, the visuals were really good,and they stand the test of time. I remember the intro started a trend in movies,with the writing written on the buildings.


The acting was great. I remember this was the first movie I saw Jared Leto in, and I just loved his performance.


Howard Shore's score was good, merging with the visuals perfectly.


The movie is streaming on Directv, Starz, Starz Amazon Channel, Starz Roku Premium Channel, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, Google, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !