Paradise Hills

Year of release : 2019


Run time : 1h35min


Genre : Suspense / Thriller / Sci Fi


Cast : Milla Jovovich, Emma Roberts, Eiza Gonzalez



Uma wakes up in a small but beautiful room,without any recollection of how she got there. She is told she is in a re-education centre where the families send women who displeased them. She is told by the woman who runs the place ,The Duchess, that this takes 2 months,after which,she's free.


They are given a new look,which is supposed to fit them best,but pink hair,doesn't fit anyone best! They are given small portions to eat,and are told to drink the milk.

They soon discover the milk has a sedative which puts them to sleep. And that only men work at the facility.

Everybody,the girls sent for re-education, and the men servants, are dressed in white. Only the Duchess dresses in color.


Uma is the only one asking questions, trying to escape. The man she loves, that her mother doesn't approve of ,because he's poor,shows up at the facility, promising to rescue her,but he never helps with anything .


The Duchess interviews them daily,about themselves,asking them to always sit and face the mirror.


Uma suspects something sinister is going on, and plans to escape.


The movie has amazing visuals,the interior designs and gardens are breathtaking.The place really looks like heaven.

Eiza Gonzalez and Emma Roberts sing.

The movie had a good idea,it reminded me of The Stepford Wives,but I didn't like the resolve.


I hated the women's clothes,except for Milla's who had really beautiful outfits. I also hated their hair,except for Milla again.


The soundtrack was beautiful, dreamy, paradise-like .


The acting was fine.


You can watch the full movie here :


Rating : Shoulda woulda coulda!