
Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h47min


Genre : Romance


Cast : Dakota Johnson



Persuasion is the last adaptation of the romantic Jane Austin novel of the same name. The title comes from the fact Anne Elliot was persuaded by her family and mostly her good friend Lady Russell,who was like a second mother to Anne,who valued her opinion,not to marry Captain Wentworth.


The movie starts just like the novel,with her father and sister,both narcissistic in nature, although there's nothing there to be proud of,leasing out their Kellynch Hall estate and moving to Bath,to lower their expenses,as they lead a lavish life .


Admiral Croft and his wife Sofia,captain Wentworth's sister,have returned from the war against France,and rent Kellynch Hall.


Anne visits her sister Mary and her family ,where everybody loves her. Mary is a hypochondriac and always exaggerates about her health,even when there's nothing wrong with her,to be the center of attention.


Captain Wentworth,now rich,returns home,and visits his sister,where he meets Anne again. This leads to a series of embarrassing moments between them,as they are always forced by circumstances to be in each other's presence,as their friends keep on going out together,from which Anne understands he doesn't feel anything for her anymore.


One of the things that bothered me was she was breaking the forth wall, speaking directly to the audience,which made the movie seem a mockery of the novel,a comedy which the novel isn't. An interior narration would have been perfect. Anne from the novel was an introspect and introvert ( I actually read the novel years ago,and I remember her suffering so much he didn't love her anymore and regretting so much letting herself be persuaded by her family !,thing one can't see in this movie),she lived her feelings on the inside,just like captain Wentworth, who in the movie had his feelings written  on his face,one could tell she was the one he wanted! In the movie,Anne is almost happy I'd say,she doesn't look sad at all!


The other thing which bothered me was that the makers of this movie tried to check all the boxes in the diversity agenda. The characters are British,and have British names,but most of them are of color and Asian! Not to mention they are related ! Anne's cousin is Asian!


I also didn't like how whenever they were in a different part of the country,they wrote the name of the place on the whole screen,it really didn't match the story's vibe. And something else I thought didn't match the movie's vibe was the music,the choice of songs.


Also,I didn't know Anne drank ,and then that much! Then, I don't recall her having a pet rabbit !


The places they filmed at were beautiful,the houses were exquisite,in the first scenes a few rooms are filled with beautiful murals..the clothes,at times, are beautiful.. but that's pretty much it!


I liked the actress who played that despicable character,Mary,who always complained about something,needing to be the center of attention,who didn't care about her kids,not even when they broke their arm,and went to a party,making Anne stay with her kids!

Her family was truly despicable,the narcissist father and sister,sister who told her to her face mean things,just like Mary..


Google labeled the movie a drama,but it's not,it's more a comedy,really.


Persuasion is a Netflix production,and is streaming exclusively on the platform.


Rating : Coulda Woulda Shoulda!