Project Gemini

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h39min


Genre : Sci Fi



I finally found a Russian movie I didn't like ! This is one of their big projects in which they even talk in English ( I don't know why! )! I initially thought it was dubbed,but no,they talk in English. And they sound as if they read off the teleprompter !

So buckle up,because I'm gonna spill the beans !


Ok,so the movie starts with this exposition,of how this plant virus destroys all plants from crops to forests,and how people who eat the infected plants get infected too. So far so good,it reminded me of Interstellar.

Without the forests,the oxygen rates are crumbling. Not good for humans.

A group of paleontologists discovered two objects ( hence the name,Project Gemini) of alien origins,4 billion years old! Sounds like Prometheus. I'm in.

All this was in the first minute or so.


The visual effects were amazing,so were the costumes,the set design,and the soundtrack. You can tell they put a lot of money into it.


The problem,first of all,was with the acting. At first I thought it was the dubbing. I personally don't like dubbed movies, I prefer to hear the actors interpret their role. But it was the actors. They sounded as if they were reading their lines off the piece of paper! All of them ! I was actually picturing my favorite Russian actors like Aleksandr Petrov, Pyotr Fyodorov, Anton Pampushnyy and Danila Kozlovsky playing these parts,and let me tell you,they did a great job ( in my head that is! ). I even ended up thinking how the actors who were so bad at it, were supposed to sound,and repeated out loud their lines,trying to make it sound better ! That's how bad this movie is ! Even the actors who play the voices of the ones from tv / news are bad at acting! I don't know why,did they lose their acting skills trying to sound American?


I kept on thinking of muting the movie and play music,so I won't focus so much on how bad the acting was ,but I didn't have subtitles,so I couldn't do that !


After a while,of playing hide and seek with the alien which only leaves its saliva everywhere,but refuses to let itself seen,the plot got very dumb. After about an hour,the alien makes an appearance as its cut by the scientist as he finds out,the blood of an infected crew member is the cure to what's happening on earth !

At this point,I already didn't care anymore,as I paused it quite a few times,to check on the internet if the movie is dubbed and to see the reviews. Everybody hated it. And pretty much said what I'm saying.


And get this,the alien is bio mechanical ! It's the reason life dies on earth,as it infected everything,and now it's taking them home,as it derailed their plans of going to the planet they wanted to colonize. At the same time,the sphere the alien was in,was apparently what created life on earth! Make it make sense,y'all !


The movie also inserts badly,these scenes of whom I'm guessing is supposed to be the lead,with his love story,but they seem so out of place,and the acting,from both actors is so bad! Also, they didn't have a good dialogue to work with.


In conclusion,the movie looks great,but sounds awful !


The movie is for rent and buy on Amazon Prime Video, Apple iTunes, Google Play, Microsoft Store, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : The Horror, The HORROR !