
Year of release : 2012


Run time : 1h58min


Genre : Sci- Fi / Horror


Cast : Michael Fassbender, Noomi Rapace, Charlize Theron, Idris Elba, Logan Marshall Green, Guy Pearce



Prometheus or what to do when your maker grew tired of you and orders your extinction


Prometheus is the name of the ship the characters are on.


Directed by Ridley Scott,Prometheus tells the story of a team of scientists who think they might have discovered the origins of the human race. To prove their theory they embark on a mission into the other corner of the universe,to find the planet depicted on thousands of years old caves.


Once there,they discover that the planet is not what they thought it to be,their makers aren't there,but these bio weapons they engineered which they think turned against them.


The acting was great, Michael Fassbender was the best, Charlize to me was wasted on this small part,as the bitchy commander,who,in my opinion was the voice of reason.


I personally loved this movie,it's one of my favorites. I loved the visual effects,I loved the music..the world they created..

SPOILERS My favorite scene is the one with Shaw running to get the alien out of her,the whole scene of taking it out,and then,walking down the corridors in a state of shock or pain,or both. I just loved it!


Prometheus is streaming on Hulu and Tubi Tv, and is for rent or sale on Spectrum On Demand ( only for rent), Amazon Prime Video, Apple, DirecTv, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : It's so money !