Red Riding Hood

Year of release : 2011


Run time : 1h42min


Genre : Horror / Fantasy


Cast : Amanda Seyfried, Shiloh Fernandez, Billy Burke, Gary Oldman, Virginia Madsen



Red Riding Hood is the well known story of the Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf,with a twist. The wolf is a werewolf and wants Valerie,the Red Riding Hood,to “come away with him”.


Her grandmother makes her the riding hood.


Her sister is being killed by the wolf terrorizing the village,then her mother is wounded by the same wolf,and she starts suspecting everyone,including the man she loves,and grandmother,but not her own father.


SPOILERS  What I didn’t appreciate was the fact that she loved Peter,but when she thought he was the wolf,she stabbed him. All the wolf wanted was for her to live with him,not to kill her. At the end we find out he wanted to turn her,but she didn’t know that yet. And Peter is not the wolf.


The movie has great cinematography,with amazing,vivid, colors and costumes,it really looks like you just walked into a fairytale. The houses,the forest..everything is perfect.


The acting is great.

The soundtrack is amazing,fairytale-like.


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !

