
Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h56min


Genre : Mystery / Thriller / Sci Fi


Cast : Hugh Jackman, Rebecca Fergusson



The movie is set in this sort of post apocalyptic world,in which Miami is half under water,they go around using boats like in Venice. It's hot,so people sleep on daylight,and work at night. They still live in the city,although the first levels of the buildings are completely submerged.


This technology was invented,through which people can relive their memories. Hugh's character owns a place which deals with this,people come to him to relive their past,their favorite memories.

One day, Rebecca Fergusson comes in,asking him to help her find her keys,so they go into her mind,trying to find them. She looks alot like a Jessica Rabbit brought to life and I wonder if it was intentional.

Hugh's character falls in love with her at first sight,and they start dating. She disappears,so he starts investigating her disappearance as the police won't help.


The movie has a film noir vibe,and feels like a blend of Inception,Hitchcock's suspense films and Who framed Roger Rabbit?


The visual effects were good. The actors were all great. The soundtrack was good.


I liked how they pulled Hugh from the dream world and how they built the scenes up to that point,making us realize we were in the dream world all along.


I didn't like the ending,it didn't feel that someone who dated someone for such a short time would do such a thing. I don't understand why would anyone choose to live their whole life in a perpetual dream(the same dream).

Also,whoever wrote this got the story of Eurydice and Opheus wrong. It's a Greek mythology story,the devil was Hades and the one granting the wish was Persephone,who took pity on Orpheus,not Hades.


Rating : Worth a watch !