
Year of release : 1965


Run time : 1h45min


Genre : Drama / Psychological thriller


Cast : Catherine Deneuve


Director : Roman Polanski



Carol lives with her sister,who has an affair with a married man. Sometimes the man sleeps over,and she doesn't like hearing her sister moaning late at night. She also hates the fact he keeps on putting his razor blade and tooth brush into her glass.


Carol works at a beauty salon where she's a bit spacey.

Being beautiful,men are attracted to her. She has a suitor,whom she doesn't give the time of day. After he kisses her, she runs upstairs to wash her mouth.


Her sister leaves for a holiday to Italy for a week, and Carol begs her not to go.

While her sister is away, she is afraid to leave the house, leaves the rabbit she wanted to cook outside-although it's a heat wave- , and doesn't clean the house.

She has nightmares about men getting into the house r@ping her, and when Colin,the man who's interested in her,comes to see her, and breaks down the door, she..k!lls him and puts him in the bath tub filled with water.


This was one of the longest,most boring movies I've ever watched. The movie had a good idea,but the dialogue is bad, especially at the beginning, when they either don't say anything,and when they do, it's just stupid,random conversations. They talk without saying anything.


The movie has these long scenes in which nothing ever happens, the actors just sit around doing nothing,saying nothing.

There were some good visual effects, regarding the walls, cracking like a mirror, and molding like plasticine when touched.


The acting was fine.


The soundtrack was awful, it's this jazzy music which doesn't match anything that's on the screen! It doesn't match the vibe of the movie or what the lead is going through,as she's slowly descending into madness!The soundtrack should have been eerie,pensive,to match the lead's mental state,not happy!


You can watch the full movie here,for free :


Rating : Could have been a contender !