Rise of the guardians

Year of release : 2012


Run time : 1h37min


Genre : Animation / Comedy / Family / Adventure


Voices of : Chris Pine, Hugh Jackman, Alec Baldwin, Jude Law, Isla Fisher



Jack Frost woke up with the moon one night,without knowing anything else about himself except for his name the man in the moon told him about.


Now,300 years later, Jack messes with the Easter Bunny's eggs bringing the frost on Easter.


The Boogie Man / Pitch Black visits the North Pole,where Santa resides,and Santa is calling on the guardians, The Tooth Fairy, The Easter Bunny, and Sandman.


The man in the moon reveals to the guardians he choose a new guardian to help them. It's Jack Frost!


Although nobody can see him, Jack Frost likes to bring the frost, to cheer the kids.


The guardians come up with a plan to bring him to the North Pole,and that is to pretty much kidnap him.

Santa tells him since the man in the moon chose him,he must be special,and he must find his center.


Although at first Jack doesn't quite want to accept the honor,he changes his mind,when the Tooth Fairy tells him she has all the kids' memories stored in the teeth they lost. Jack wants to know who he is,so he accepts in order to find out who he is through the memories stored in the fallen teeth.


Pitch Black grew strong as he feeds on children's fears,and now is ready to launch an assault on earth,turning their dreams into nightmares,making them stop believing in anything happy.

He also attacks the guardians' bases,so they won't be able to perform their duties,for example, Easter is 3 days away.


The movie was funny and entertaining, the characters likeable. It also had dark moments, those are centered around Pitch Black. Some of the scenes with the Pitch fights reminded me of the Matrix.


The actors were good,although all they had to work with was their voice.


The movie is streaming on HBO Max, Netflix, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, AMC on Demand, Google, DirecTv, Microsoft Store, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !