
Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h49min


Genre : Thriller



A meteor strikes and kills all the people in the areas it falls,turning the air toxic. Some of the people who were in the vicinity come back to life facing a certain way,North. They decide to take one of them to the place where the meteor fell and where they find now a tree like rock formation. The man is coming back to life and starts talking to the leading character.


The leading character is played by an actress who can't act, she sleepwalks through the movie. The one who is helping her,being her friend,is just as bad at acting,but at least,he doesn't sleepwalk,he just says his lines as if he's on the news.


The lead doesn't have a good relationship with her father,and her mother died when she was 10. That is important later. For a while I thought maybe the father molested her,but that's not the case,the father is not the villain.


The alien starts bragging telling the lead how they came here to invade as their world was dying,and this is their world now because they have powers.


The music was good,the movie is built like a drama with these long scenes in which nothing happens,sometimes is just the sound of the wind although I think they were inside.


The movie has these long silences,these moments in which people just stare into nothing as if they lost their keys and they're trying to remember where they put them. There's a scene in which the lead is by a wall,another scene happens after,and back to her,she's still by the wall!

If they actually cut out all these staredowns or stare contests,the movie would be an hour long and save me an hour,as it is boring and not much happens until the end.


Nobody does much to stop the invasion,they are like ,whatever,just give up without putting much of a fight. The army..the lead character who just seems to be there just for the sake of being there. There is no point to why is she in the movie so far,as her actions don't make sense. Nobody seems to understand the fatality of this,everybody seems to be like just,oh,well!


The movie is different from all the disaster movies as it is approached differently,nobody does what one would expect in such situations.


The movie has a plot twist which is the only thing I liked about it.


The movie is streaming on Amazon Prime Video, Apple iTunes, Google Play, Microsoft Store, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Could have been a contender !,only because of the plot twist,because it's really a THE HORROR !  kind