Row 19

Language : Russian


Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h18min


Genre : Horror / Mystery



Katerina survived a plane crash as a kid,and ever since is afraid of flying.


Now she decided to fly to her father's place with her 6 year old daughter. Once on board, weird things start happening, as the passengers start dying one by one,from various reasons.


Katerina starts dreaming about her life as a kid with her mother,and pretty soon,she can't distinguish the dreams from reality,as they merge.


The acting was fine,so were the visual effects.

I loved the soundtrack. I loved the reveal,the whole scene and the acting made me cry.


One thing that bothered me though, was, the reveal takes away from what's happening and the movie doesn't quite make sense.


Watching it and wondering what's going on,I remembered the movie Dead End(2003),if you know it, this one is kind of like it, due to how the passengers lose their lives and why.


The movie is streaming on Tubi Tv,and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, Google, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch!