Russian doll

Year of release : 2019


Run time : 25-30min, 8 episodes


Genre : Comedy / Drama / Tv Series / Mini Series



Season 1


Nadia is in the bathroom at her own birthday party thrown by her friends at their place. She is 36 years old and is questioning her life. As she goes into the kitchen, her friend offers her a jo!nt laced with coc@ine. She leaves home with a divorced man who has a kid. After,still at night, in the AM hours,she goes out to buy a pack of cigarettes, and gets hit by a car.


She wakes up in the same bathroom, looking in the mirror. From this moment on, she is trapped in a series of events, in this endless loop which ends in the same place, with her in the bathroom.


She thinks that maybe she has a bad trip due to the joint, and is on a quest to find out what it has in it. After she finds out,in another episode,her quest changes to her finding out about the building her friends live in.


I personally didn't like this movie, although this is my favorite kind. The characters were vulgar, which is not to my taste. The lead was acting like a man, walking like one, and almost dressing like one. I don't like this defeminization of women.


I also didn't like the emptiness of the character and her friends who are in a relationship but is an open one I assume, as in one scene one of them is waking up in a s*x group pile. It is stated that this character is in her forties, and yet here she is, having orgies and getting high. There's nothing more depressing,embarrassing and empty than that.

The lead also, has an ex who wants her back but although she has s*x with him,she doesn't want him back.

There's nothing to like about the lead, her emptiness, her vulgarity, her inability to commit. When you don't have a likeable lead, and everyone else around her is the same or worse kind of empty,you don't have a good show. Thumbs down.


The series are streaming on Netflix.


Rating : The horror,The HORROR !