
Language : English / Russian


Year of release : 2010


Run time : 1h44min


Genre : Action / Thriller / Mystery


Cast : Angelina Jolie



Evelyn Salt is a CIA agent who,one day,in the interrogation, is told by a Russian terrorist she is a Russian spy.


The Russian terrorist says Evelyn's real name is Natasha ,and she took the identity of an American who's family died in a car crash in Russia. He tells her, and the ones behind the dark glass,Evelyn is part of a brain washing program which is taking kids from families,when they are babies,training them to be spies,and then insert them into American families,taking the identities needed to fulfill whichever purpose they were given.


Evelyn is immediately taken into custody by her colleagues,and she escapes trying to get to her husband who is not answering his phone,afraid the terrorists might kill him.


She can't find him home, as she is closely followed by her colleagues who want to take her in.

Evelyn changes her appearance and shoots the Russian president that the Russian terrorist wanted dead,with spider poison.


She then goes "home",to the terrorist,to get her husband. As the terrorist organization kills her husband in front of her eyes to see how loyal she is,she kills them all,and goes after the other Russian spies sent to take down the White House.


The acting was good,the action scenes were great,the movie was action packed,but for some unknown reason,the movie kinda bored me,it didn't quite captivate me ( is it because I don't like spy stories?I wonder). The story felt a bit far fetched, why didn't the terrorist just take kids from the orphanage or homeless,but kidnap them from loving families?


Salt is streaming on Aha, DirecTv, and is for rent or buy on Amazon Video, AMC on Demand, Apple iTunes, DirecTv, Google Play Movies, Microsoft Store, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube .


Rating : Worth a watch !