Santa Baby 2 Christmas Maybe

Year of release : 2009


Run time : 1h35min


Genre : Comedy


Cast : Jenny McCarthy, Jessica Parker Kennedy



Santa has reached 800 years old. He has a wife and a daughter Mary. He wants her to take over the family business,but she's busy with her own in New York ,and doesn't want her father's job.

Santa is on vacation.


The elves are stupid,and stupid is annoying. The stupid elves are manipulated into making demands and go on strike by the villain of the story,Teri,who wants Mary's job at the North Pole.


The elves fight for cookies in the middle of the room,Mary and Luke were on the side,but instead of going around them,they decide to go through them. So dumb!


Mary has been dating the same guy(Luke,who's a mailman in real life-New York and Polaris) since childhood,and she might be 600 years old.


Yeah,no . It was..I don't know what it was.

The movie was rather boring, or maybe the fact the elves were so dumb,annoying.


When it comes to acting, Jenny McCarthy was good and so was the actress playing Teri.


Rating : The horror,The Horror !