Secret window

Year of release : 2004


Run time : 1h36min


Genre : Mystery / Thriller


Cast : Johnny Depp, John Turturro, Maria Bello, Timothy Hutton



The movie is based on Stephen King's short story "Secret window,Secret garden" published in 1990.


Author Mort Rainey finds himself accused by a man in a hat of stealing his story. The man keeps on showing up at his secluded house, asking him to fix his story.

Mort is telling him,he published the story in 1995,2 years before the man says he wrote it,so he couldn't have stolen his work.


The man isn't having it, and starts messing with him,first by k!lling his dog,then moving to bigger things like burning the house his wife lives in,that he is separated from,down.


The movie opens with the lead,Mort,catching his wife cheating.6 months later,she's still with that man,as they're going through a divorce Mort refuses to finalize.

This is one of my favorite movies,my favorite part is the reveal.

I loved the way the movie was shot,the angles,the visual effects! The mirror seems other-worldly,like a window to the other side, or a mirror to another world,which is also a great analogy for a fractured psyche.

I liked how we see what he thinks of, like we're in his head,exactly like when reading a book!

I liked how his thoughts were put together,how natural it flowed.


I liked the soundtrack which seemed to be flowing backwards,but wasn't played backwards,just that the composer really captured that vibe.


The acting was great from everyone involved,it just flows !

Rating : It's so money !