Senior year

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h51min


Genre : Comedy


Cast : Rebel Wilson , Alicia Silverstone



The popular girl and school cheerleader has an accident while performing and ends up in a 20 years coma.

When she wakes up,she finds out she is old, her dream house is owned by her nemesis, her dream man by the same nemesis, and the world has a completely new set of rules.


She wants to finish her studies, so she asks her high school friend, who is the principle to take her in. Once admitted, she has to deal with her nemesis' daughter, who seems to be her younger version.


Stephanie decides to become the popular girl again, to bring cheerleading back to its former glory,and in her pursuit of such fleeting things she forgets who was always there for her.

Her character,from the getgo, seems self absorbed, she has her life planned out, she has these two best friends of whom she is somewhat ashamed of, who are her real friends, but whom she hides when with the popular kids.

By the end of the movie, after many lessons, she learns to appreciate her true friends ,and I like that this was a story about growth , that the character wasn't stuck in the same place.


I liked the dance sequences, the actors give their best in their performances, and may I say Rebel Wilson looks amazing! The movie also has this late 1999-early 2000's nostalgia about it, as it is a tribute to the many high school movies made at the time,which by the way, I enjoyed growing up.


What I didn't like was the fact that except for her nemesis,who wasn't happily married,just married to the former school heartthrob, nobody else was in a relationship. Her father was still single, her best friend, the school principle,who was gay, was still single, her other friend, who always loved her,was still single, is like Hollywood today wants to send the message that people should stay single, because this is common in their movies for the past few years .


The movie is a Netflix production,and streams exclusively on the platform.


Rating : Worth a watch !