
Language : French


Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h20min


Genre : Action


Cast : Olga Kurylenko



After a traumatic mission,Olga's character is being sent home to work as a soldier walking the streets of Nice,looking for potential threats.


After one night at the club, her sister ends up in the hospital in a coma. Olga's character thinks a Russian guy she was with the night before r@ped and tried to k!ll her.


Olga starts going on the 'avenging her sister' path, trying to find the true perpetrator, and once finding him, bringing him to justice.


She is pretty careless with what she does,she doesn't hide her intentions at all, she really messes up in my opinion,as she points the gun at one of her colleagues trying to get the ammo from work.


Sentinelle is the name of the French soldiers abroad.


Olga's family in the movie is Russian.


Olga's acting in this one was top notch, she plays a soldier who suffers from post traumatic stress.


I loved the fighting scenes. The soundtrack was good. I loved how the music was under the sound of the fights or sometimes not there in the fights, so we could hear the fight noises, making it more real.


What I didn't like -- SPOILERS-- I don't buy it Russians are gay,first of all. Her character was gay .Then we find out the Russian guy she thought to have r@ped her sister was also gay. There's too many gay Russians when I don't think such a thing even exists in the first place!I watch Russian movies and can name a few Russian celebrities, none of them are gay! Not to mention, I don't remember seeing gay characters in Russian movies, and I watched a lot!


Also,her sister really acted like a ho'. The moment they got to the club she just left her there and left with a friend to introduce her to the Russian guy she saw and wanted to meet. She left Olga's character there all night as she left with the guy to his mansion. The guy's father said she acted like a ho', drinking and dancing inappropriately.


The movie is streaming on Netflix.


Rating : Worth a watch !