
Year of release : 2005

Run time : 1h59min

Genre : Sci Fi / Action

Cast : Nathan Fillion, Summer Glau, Sarah Paulson, Morena Baccarin

The movie is based on the tv series Firefly, canceled after 11 of the 14 episodes had aired.

In the future, the earth couldn't sustain the world's population,so the Alliance looked for new planets,terraformed in decades.

Some planets refused to be ruled,so a devastating war started . The Alliance won against the Independence,assuring a safer universe. Or so they always say (eye roll).


The movie opens with young River who is in school,talking to the teacher who says the Alliance had all the right to impose their rules on the Independence planets,because they know best.

We are taken out of this almost perfect scenery abruptly, as we see it was all in River's head,and she is in a lab where doctors are doing mind control experiments on her.

Her brother,disguised as a doctor,is breaking her out.


A member in the highest ranks of the tyrannical galactic government,who doesn't have a name or badge number (it's that secret),he doesn't exist, is hot on their tracks.

River and her brother are now on the rebel ship Serenity. The ship's captain wants to take River with him and his crew on one of their missions,as she has the sight. The mission was a bank robbery (yep,they sure don't look like the good guys).

Reavers,a sort of zombies who cut their own faces and are always raging,descend upon the planet and start killing and eating people.

The crew barely make it off the planet alive.

Fighting with River's brother, the captain throws them off the ship,meaning,leaves them on the next planet they descend upon. Or so we think.


Entering a club the crew have to meet someone in , River is triggered by what she sees on tv,and starts fighting everyone.

The captain decides to take them back. Trying to find out what triggered her,he meets with his friend, Mr. Universe (this name always makes me laugh,as I think of the beauty pageant),who tells him the tv ad was a subliminal message.

This is how the man who doesn't officially exist finds them. He goes to the captain's ex,and next,she calls him to invite him over.

Since the guy who doesn't officially exist, can't get his hands on the crew and River, he pays a visit to all of the crew's friends as retribution.

The action scenes were great, I loved the scenes with River, I wished she fought some more,because her fighting scenes were epic!

The movie delivered some funny lines,I found myself laughing quite a few times at something they were saying.

The actors were all good.


The visual effects at times were good,other times not so good.

The soundtrack was so and so,at times it really sounded good,but only for a minute ,more or less.

Serenity is for rent / sale on Amazon, AppleTv, Fandango at Home.

Rating : Worth a watch!