Shallow Hal

Year of release : 2001


Run time : 1h54min


Genre : Comedy / Romance


Cast : Gwyneth Paltrow, Jack Black, Jason Alexander



Hal,aged 10, was traumatized when his father, on his death bed, told him to look for beautiful girls instead of love.


20 years later, he only seeks beautiful women, as he's only interested in how a woman looks-like, not what she's about,and then wonders why women don't like him.

He and his friend have pretty high standards,to the point,not even beautiful girls can reach them,as they get obsessed with the woman's littlest body defects.


All this changed,as he gets stuck in the elevator with Tony Robbins,a motivational speaker, who told him that from now on,he's only gonna see the beauty inside women.


Once outside, Hal sees a beautiful woman whom he shares the cab with, in town to take care of her grandmother. He can't believe his luck when the woman agrees to exchange phone numbers.

In the club,again, he's surrounded by beauties who dance with him.


His friend can't believe he sees ugly women as beautiful,and tries to snap him out of it.


Hal meets Rosemary, whom to him is perfect. He likes the fact she's funny and eats. A lot. The woman is always looking at him weird,whenever he talks about how beautiful she is.


It seems Rosemary has bad luck with furniture,as chairs keep on breaking with her. His friend,again, is trying to make him see reality, so he goes looking for Tony Robbins, to bring the old Hal back.

But does Hal want to go back to his old self?


This is one of my favorite movies, as is a heart warming movie about the beauty within, and how even the most shallow people grow out of it ,and learn to see what really matters in life.


One thing I think they got wrong in the movie is, the nurse at the hospital is shown to us when Hal is there, so through his eyes, looking normal, and they show her to us beautified when he's not there!


The movie is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, Directv, Google, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !