
Year of release : 1946


Run time : 1h10min


Genre : Psychological Thriller / Film Noir


Cast : Vincent Price



Missis Stewart arrives at a hotel in San Francisco,where she's told she doesn't have a reservation,and the hotel is completely booked. The manager of the hotel gives her a room which is already booked,but the man won't arrive until the next day.


As she falls asleep on the couch,holding his picture,she has a nightmare. Waking up in tears,she checks with the front desk to see if he arrived. Looking out the window she witnesses a man fighting with his wife and killing her.


Missis Stewart's husband arrives,and finds her catatonic on the couch. He calls a doctor who calls doctor Cross,a psychiatrist,whom he knows to be at the hotel.


Turns out the psychiatrist is the same man whom she saw killing his wife. They decide to take her to the psychiatric hospital where doctor Cross practices,as he realizes she had a nervous collapse and went into shock.

The doctor realizes she probably saw him killing his wife.


At the private sanatorium,just out of town, the good doctor and his mistress give her the treatment they think she needs to never tell on them.


The movie is fast paced and well put together.


The actors were fine.


You can watch the full movie here :


Rating : Worth a watch !