Single white female

Year of release : 1992


Run time : 1h48min


Genre : Thriller


Cast : Bridget Fonda, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Steven Weber



The movie is based upon the novel "SWF seeks same " by John Lutz.


Allie has recently moved to New York, and doesn't know many people. She is in a happy relationship with Sam, as they talk about the wedding.

Later that same night, Sam's wife calls,waking them up, and as he doesn't want to answer,her being on speaker, Allie hears her say they had s3x.


Allie breaks up with Sam,and is looking for a single female as a roommate.

Hedy comes in last, as Allie is crying, and although she seems to have made up her mind,choosing a nice woman, she accepts Hedy, as she helps her with her pipe.


Hedy seems very shy and awkward at first,but then, as Allie gets back with Sam, she starts becoming more of a b!tch. Allie discovers she hid a letter Sam sent her with the keys of the apartment, and she seems to manipulate things in her favor, as she doesn't want to move out or for these two to be together.


In Hedy's defense, she did ask Allie if there was any chance of her getting back with Sam,as she doesn't want to look for a new place right after she settled in,to which Allie replied that there's no chance of reconciliation .


Allie is a software designer, and gets a job for a company who's boss "forgets" to pay her,as he did his research on her, and thinks due to her past problems with her former colleague he can scam her out of payment. This man keeps on flirting with her, as she's not interested.


Hedy gets a dog , only to get into her good graces, and when alone, she hits the dog. So, the dog likes Allie best. Seeing the dog favors Allie, especially when Allie spends more time with Sam, wanting her to move out, Hedy hates the dog.


Hedy starts dressing like Allie, as she says she likes her style, to the point she even changes her haircut,cutting her hair in the exact same way and color. Even her friends and neighbors think her to be Allie. Also, Hedy left the window opened and the dog jumped from their floor into the street!?


Allie gets suspicious of Hedy and just wants her out. But will it be that easy to throw her out?


All the actors were good, Jennifer Jason Leigh was the best.


I liked Bridget Fonda's clothes, and the architecture and interior design. I hated her haircut, with sideburns, as if she was a man.


Viewer discretion is advised as the movie has a lot of nudity and s3xual content.


The movie is for rent or sale on Apple, DirecTv, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !