
Year of release : 2017


Run time : 1h32min


Genre : Sci - Fi


Genre : John Cusack



97 years into the future, from the year 2017,humanity is extinct and the last remaining humans are hunted by Elias,the mastermind behind a supercomputer which once activated decided to kill them all because they are the source of all evil.


Now,97 years later, Calia and Andrew,try to find Aurora,a place where people who survived try to make a living.


This movie had a good ideea,a good concept,but they failed at putting it in action.


The visual effects were bad,the acting was bad,the plot was bad..for example, John Cusack's character Elias,activates the artificial intelligence which decides humans need to be extinct because they are the source of war,so ,97 years into the future,he can see everywhere,just that we don't see the cameras.

The characters he follows are deep in a secluded forest,but he can see them as if they are right next to him,WTF?!,as if he has the camera right in front of them!

When they discover a space ship,he can see,once again,as if he is right in front of them.

When they fly to the other planet,he can see the space ship entering the planet's atmosphere,from a side. WTF?!

He has cameras everywhere,in the whole universe?! Are they flying around,why can't we see them?


From the get-go,we are told by Elias and his brother who watch everything,that Andrew is a robot who doesn't know he is a robot, and who is supposed to infiltrate the human resistance.

Couldn't they just let us find out later on,when Calia finds out? Wouldn't that have been better,more interesting?

Also,Elias is obsessed with killing every human ,he just can't let any of them survive .


Another thing that bothered me was the fact the action starts in 2017 with certain technology which we know is not on the market yet,so it's already off.

After,in 2020,again,the computer kills humanity,which we know didn't happen. Couldn't they just set it farther away in the future?


I love John Cusack, I love his movies,but this was was a miss.


The movie is streaming on Amazon Prime Video, Apple iTunes, Hoopla, Tubi Tv, Google Play, YouTube.


Rating : The horror, The HORROR !