Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

Year of release : 2004


Run time : 1h43min


Genre : Sci Fi / Adventure / Action / Mystery / Thriller / Crime / Dieselpunk / Fantasy


Cast : Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law, Angelina Jolie, Giovanni Ribisi



The movie is Ottensian, pre-World War II dieselpunk.


In 1939 New York, reporter Polly Perkins thinks she's got a good story,when a scientist asks her to meet him at the cinema. The man tells her the scientists he worked with are dead,and he's next.

Just then, giant robots attack New York city ,and drill a hole in the ground,looking for something.


Sky Captain, or Joe,is asked to help,as apparently,they only have one plane and one pilot(eye roll).


Polly is trying to get a good shot,so she runs through the giant robots( another eye roll!)


Joe manages to disable one robot,which is taken to base after the others are called to the mothership.

Back at the Legion's air base, Polly and Joe have back and forth conversations,as they used to date,and both of them are bitter now,thinking the other one betrayed them in some way.

Dex, the expert of the base,is in charge of examining the robots,and reveals they caught much more robots in time, than suspected. Just then,they are attacked by flying drones and more giant robots,which destroy the base,and take Dex with them.


Joe and Polly find the message Dex left them with hints on where to find him and the villain's base,and fly to Nepal and Tibet.


I remember at the time the movie was released,I watched it at the cinema,and only liked about it the vibe,the era the movie was set in,along with the unique way the movie is filmed,the visual effects.

Now, I didn't even like that,because it all looks animated,like bad CGI.


In the credits the three celebrities are all on the same page,but Angelina only appears for 10 minutes in the movie,after the 1 hour marker. As I recall, celebrities or their agents ask to put their names first,or on the same par as the others. I don't understand why Angie would ask to be put on the same par as the others 2,when she only appears for 10 minutes. But maybe it was done because she was huge at the time.


The acting was so and so, as everything looked fake,and I could tell the actors were acting to what they thought was supposed to be in front of them.

I really didn't like Gwyneth's acting.

Whenever he's flying the plane,Joe keeps on looking back at Polly!!Who does that?!


The dialogue was bad. I'd say so was the plot. Like,for example, they are in the snowy mountains cold,but don't feel cold,as they still have their,I'd say, spring / autumn clothing on. Then,their clothes are burnt(don't ask),but they manage to find clothes looking exactly the same as the ones which were burnt!?!


The visual effects didn't stand the test of time,everything looks animated, Sin City style, and even the day seems night,because everything is so dark! This because only the actors were real,everything else was green / blue screen!


I didn't like the soundtrack.


The movie is called "The world of tomorrow" based on the villain's plans with the world.


The movie is streaming on DirecTv, Max, Max Amazon Channel, and is for rent / sale on Amazon Video, Apple Tv, DirecTv, Google Play Movies, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Could have been a contender !