
Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h56min


Genre : Psychological Thriller / Horror


Cast : Sosie Bacon



Dr. Rose Cotter is the witness of a traumatic event, as her patient kills herself right in front of her in a brutal way,right after she told her an entity is after her, while having an eerie smile on her face.


Right after, Rose starts seeing things, and she doesn't know what's real or not.


Her fiance not only that is not on her side, but he thinks her crazy,due to the fact her mother had mental issues( Rose found her mother after she overdosed,killing herself,when she was 10 years old ).


The detective who is on the case believes her and we find out they have a history together, and helps her get to the bottom of why this is happening to her.


I personally loved the movie, it had a good idea, it reminded me of the movie It Follows due to the theme,and Devil due to the upside down scenes. I loved how once she got in contact with the entity, the world is upside down,as if her world is turned upside down, or the entity sees the world distorted.


I loved the way the movie was shot, the way they made the transition from one scene to the other.


The acting was great. All the actors gave their best,from the ones who had a small part to the leads. The leading lady ( Sosie Bacon, Kevin Bacon's daughter) was a joy to watch,she was amazing! I loved her! So much depth, you can read the emotions on her face.


The soundtrack was great, eerie,haunting.


The movie is out in cinemas, is streaming on Epix Amazon Channel, and is for sale on Vudu .


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of!