
Year of release : 2013


Run time : 2h6min


Genre : Action / Sci Fi / Dystopia


Cast : Chris Evans, Tilda Swinton, Ed Harris, John Hurt, Jamie Bell



Snowpiercer is another dystopian movie,based on a 1982 French graphic novel,by Jean Marc Rochette,Jacques Lob and Benjamin Legrand .


In a world of global warming,the elites decide to spread a compound through chemtrails to cool the earth.

This brings about a new ice age and the only people left alive are in this train which never stops running. People are placed in social categories with the rich at the front of the train,the poor at the back.


The poor are being treated like slaves, their children taken away from them at the whims of their superiors ( SPOILER - we then find out their kids are taken to replace the parts of the train which stopped working and there are no replacements for ).


The poor people at the back of the train receive messages in their food ( daily bars which we later find out are made of insects ) from someone who is trying to help them overthrow the elites.


This soon brings about a revolution of sorts as the poor people fight the soldiers upon finding out their guns have no bullets.


This is a good dystopian movie which makes you think.


The acting was great,everybody was amazing, Tilda Swinton in full prostetics gives,as always a great performance.



Rating : Worth a watch !