
Year of release : 2015


Run time : 1h41min


Genre : Thriller / Mystery


Cast : Anthony Hopkins, Colin Farrell, Abbie Cornish



FBI agent Joe Merriweather seeks the help of his longtime friend, psychic doctor John Clancy, after a few murders seem to be related.

Although at first refuses, Clancy accepts helping him.


Clancy lost his daughter two years before to leukemia and ever since he became a loner. He can see someone's entire life if the person touches him, and that's how he knows even their deepest secrets.


He discovers the killings are related, they are the work of the same man who thinks he's doing these people a favor killing them before their disease kicks in.


The serial killer has the same gift as Clancy, and he can see the pain and torture these people go through once he touches them,and he thinks he helps them by killing them before the pain takes over their body,rescuing them from the despair.


I liked this movie,it had good acting,a great soundtrack which merged perfectly with the movie,especially with the scenes which showed Clancy seeing the people he touched lives.



Rating : Worth a watch !