
Language : Russian


Year of release : 2012


Run time : 1h45min


Genre : Drama


Starring : Danila Kozlovsky



The movie is based on the novel by the same name by Sergey Minaev .


It’s the story of Max,a 29 year old Department of Credit top manager of major Russian-French bank Megapolis .He’s living what he believes to be the dream life ,just that his dream life is being a coke head man wh*re,daily using drugs,nightly sleeping with another woman .His life is empty and meaningless .


He meets this 19 year old girl who is in a organization which destroys rich people’s furs and such,thinking that destroying other people’s property they change the world.


Max goes a downward spiral .The movie starts with the ending and goes to the beginning .Not much happens,the movie to me was boring,I watched it listening to music as I hated it .The acting seemed good .


Max tries to help a friend with a club,as the guy needs more people to invest in it,so he and another friend invest only to find out the guy just wanted to make easy money,there was no club .He also gets  scr*w*d over at his job as some colleagues frame him and he loses his job,being unable to find work even as a courier ,as one of his friends put it.


The whole movie was just him partying ,getting drunk or drugged out of his mind,with his friends and bimbos,and talking business at work .Also,there’s this sort of romance with Iulia ,the one who destroys people’s furs .He seems to like her,but he’s not entirely sure if he wants her or the lifestyle he’s been living.


The actors talk very fast,the translation was in English so sometimes it was hard to follow.


All in all,I didn’t like it,I didn’t like the characters,not even the ones who thought they changed the world just by destroying property,they all seemed childish and foolish.

The only things I liked about it was how it was filmed,the angles.


Soulless is streaming on Amazon Prime Video and Australian streaming service,Binged.


Rating : Coulda been a contender!